New Partners

Do you want to be part of the Spanish Association of the History of Diving?

With the PARTNER fee you become: Collaborating member of HDSES The period is annual. You will receive a diploma accrediting HDSES, with a membership number. All members will be sent the new HDSES digital card, which includes its age and the fee it has paid. You will have the right to publish Diving History articles, provided they meet the established standards for photos, text and content If you are a private collector, part of your collection, if you wish we can put it on the web , so that you can receive exchange or sale offersWe can act as "technical fences" in a part that you want to buy-exchange or sell at no cost on your part.You can place an advertisement for the purchase or sale of an item, always in a non-professional or wholesaler, that is to say as a private collector and never as a company. Participate free of charge in all the events and exhibitions that the HDSES does in Spain Cast your vote in the Assemblies of the HDSES, and your opinion in as many real polls ice la HDSES REMEMBER THAT WITH YOUR CONTRIBUTION YOU CONTRIBUTE TO THE DISSEMINATION OF HISTORICAL DIVING The membership fee is 30.00 euros for a period of 1 year. You can make the payment by bank transfer to the following BBVA - Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria account number: IBAN ES98 0182 7435 0802 0152 7994 BIC BBVAESMM You can also domicile the annual fee, requesting the payment order form. To register in the HDSES Association you must carry out the following steps: 1.— Make the payment of the fee by Money Order or Transfer. 2.— Fill in the following form with the requested information:
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